It has been long 18 years and honestly the saying that ‘Time flies fast’ applies very aptly to this blog. It’s more than an overwhelming feeling and more so because of the imagination that Heaven’s Garden has been able to capture. The day this blog was started I could have never imagined this blog would come this long and I can only say it is you and only you who have kept this blog going.
First and foremost I would like to thank God who gives me the words to write instead of actions to regret (point to heaven), "thank you".
And to those who are new to this blog, at the beginning, what inspired me to blogging? Here I must mention, It was just during some Google searching on some topics that I had bumped into the beautiful world of blogosphere and the design and content of some of them really struck me.
Then the second inspiration came form this place of Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh, which was my first post in this blog. The place is so beautiful and the people and the culture of this place influenced me so much that I wanted to bring to light about this little known place to the entire world. And today its very heartening to know people get more and more curious about this place and by the amount of queries I have been getting regarding this place, I can only say it has been worth it.
A mixture of the earlier blogs mentioned and this beautiful place gave birth to the so called ‘Heaven’s Garden’. After that, things just went on adding to it. Over the years this blog may have diversified a lot into many topics but one thing has remained the same, that is its design.
I would also specially mention here about my family also without whose silent support, inspiration and the motivation, perhaps this blog wouldn’t have been possible. They are the main energy, who is driving this blog.
As I have mentioned earlier my main intention of blogging is to showcase the beauty and diversity of this amazing country of India, about its myriad cultures, customs, traditions and the aura in diversity to the entire world. After some time it also does become an addiction of some sorts.
I see this blog as a platform where I can write post related to different topics under the sun almost anything and everything, which might interest or impact most of the people, just like in an informal gossip among friends and other people. A garden comprises of lots of myriad and beautiful post and so is this blog with a diverse range of posts. Photography provides the added flavor to it. As also this blog covers the aura of diversity of India. The basic theme of this blog can be related to Travel and Lifestyle.

I blog because it widens my world. I love the thought that somewhere across the oceans, a person I have never met (and may never meet) is getting to know of something I wrote or a picture I captured. Blogging forces me to articulate my thoughts. Sometimes, I don't know what I think, until I write it down. Examine it. Critique it. Sometimes what comes out in a blog surprises me.
When I started blogging, there were so few visitors in the initial stages, and every morning I used to open my blog to see that there are no comments on my blog, it initially used to dishearten me but as I have said earlier the inspiration was there, to move ahead and today I feel it was worth it. The number of comments has crossed thousands now and this blog attracts more than a 1000 visitor’s everyday.
Through Blogs I have came to learn and know about so many facts, places and cities in this world, which perhaps I would have never known, hadn’t been it for blogging. I have also learnt so much about Photography skills and techniques through different blogs. It is a learning curve indeed. I have so many interesting posts where I just laughed with my heart’s content and also some posts, when tears rolled down my cheeks as also lots and lots of thoughtful posts. It does have an impact in our lives and blogging is also an emotional journey especially when bloggers share moments alike.
Blogging has enabled me to have a wide array of friends now, perhaps from every part of the world now and it’s such a beautiful experience sharing thoughts among them. This blog has also given me a platform to contribute to different popular informative, educative online websites today speicalising in various fields, where perhaps I could never have contributed. I will thank all those respective websites editors, who have given me a scope to enhance my knowledge and skills and reach out to a mass audience and getting known to the entire world.
Over time lots of visitors liked different posts and they wanted to link from my post to related posts in their site. Even once I got an offer form a visitor who wanted to write and post a poem in my blog based on one of my photographs. It gives a nice feeling when visitors want to do that and thanks very much to them too. It also feels very nice to know when someone got inspired from me or my blog and actually started blogging.
People of different spheres have visited my blog; most of them came through search engines and others by reference. Some of them found what they wanted and spent time reading my posts, while others left within few seconds and probably even cursed me for not keeping the content they were looking for and blaming search engine for wrongly directing them to my page. At times I felt as if I’m on top of the world, when some of my posts got listed in top of search results for specific queries.
I thank "Each and Everyone" of you for every single comment and email that you've sent my way. It's meant so much to know when I've captured your interest, introduced you to a new fact you'd never heard of, made you think or laugh, or inspired you to contribute to one of my lists. It's also meant a lot just to know you've been reading. Yes, you!
I thank all of you who cared to leave a word when I published a new post and when I did not, wondering where I was, what I was up to and if I was ok. This is the energy which propels me to go on.
Once again I would specially like to thank "Each and Everyone" of you, who are very very special to me. Without your support, words, inspiration, I simply couldn’t have carried on. I won’t take names here but I must say again "Each and Everyone" of you are very special to me. I would also specially thank all the silent visitors to this blog also as well as the first-timers, the part-timers and a very special one to all the regular ones. Your presence had added lots of glitter and priceless value to this blog.
I would also specially like to thank all those who have kept my blog in their Blogrolls or linking to this site. I would like to thank everyone, who at different times has provided suggestions as also inspiration regarding this blog whether about the content, posts, design or layout of this blog.
Last but not the least, Google, thank you,... and to Blogger for giving me the chance to express myself to all those willing to listen.
I would continue to expect your support and inspiration to carry my work a long way ahead because it is for you only that this blog exists and you can only help me along in this beautiful journey.
That’s all for now. Adios.
I’m glad meeting u here and blogging nearly along with u these days… I am just a year earlier than u in blogging. I missed u many time here, but every time I receive your mail I feel happy that I still remembered in your mind to call as a friend. Thanks so much for your friendship and support in blog. Keep sharing and let us share always :)