The carrot cheesecake recipe is a simple and creative solution to give new life to carrots that you don't know how to use. With a little patience and a lot of creativity, you will get a truly delicious, tasty and fragrant dessert, colorful and sweet enough to enjoy alone or with friends.
We have in fact adapted the recipe for New York Cheesecake, that type of cheesecake that requires baking in the oven, to also include grated carrot pulp in the cream cheese, a vegetable that is particularly well suited to the preparation of desserts, so much so that it is one of the most loved desserts.
If you don't know how to make carrot cake, know that the procedure is very simple: so is the cheesecake version, which is characterized by the creaminess of the cheese covering, on a crunchy biscuit base. The carrot cheesecake recipe can also be the starting point for many tasty and creative re-elaborations.
If you like the idea of using carrots to make tasty and flavorful desserts, you can replace the lemon juice with concentrated carrot juice , which you can make yourself at home with a juicer, or buy ready-made in well-stocked supermarkets. You will need about 100 ml of juice, and your cheesecake will have an even more vivid and attractive color.
The biscuit base can also be enriched with carrot pulp. It will be sufficient to recalibrate the doses in this way: use 150 grams of dry biscuits, 50 grams of finely grated carrot pulp (or blended directly in a blender, together with the biscuits) and 50 grams of melted butter, to be mixed well into the mixture.
The carrot pulp, in this case, can be replaced with the extractor waste. In this way you will also reuse the fibrous part of the vegetable, produced by the extractor when it extracts the carrot juice.
As for the decoration of the carrot cheesecake, try enriching your cake with flaked or sliced almonds. You can also use common chopped almonds, hazelnuts or pistachios, if you want to add flavor and color to your cheesecake. Three heaped tablespoons of mixture will be enough, to which you can also add a few tufts of whipped cream, or fresh seasonal fruit, cut into pieces.
The carrot cheesecake recipe is extremely simple and can be prepared even by those who do not have much experience in cooking or pastry making. However, some simple advice can be helpful if you are preparing this type of cheesecake for the first time.
Let's start with the most delicate step: baking. Each appliance is different and personalized, so it's always best to keep an eye on the cheesecake during this phase. However, we recommended a long cooking at a low temperature (160°) which thickens the cream cheese delicately, without distorting its shape.
However, if you see cracks on the surface, lower the temperature by a few degrees, extending the times a little: in this way the cheesecake will compact without breaking. Never let the surface brown too much!
You can serve your carrot cheesecake with some cute decorations in marzipan or sugar paste, especially if the dessert is for children. Just use a block of sugar and paint small cones with yellow food coloring, adding a touch of red to obtain a nice bright orange; then make the green tufts with a small part of sugar paste colored with green food coloring.
Alternatively, you can also spread a thin layer of dark chocolate icing over the surface of the carrot cheesecake , covering the edges as well. Here's how to make a delicious carrot cheesecake, in just a few simple steps:
- 200 g dry biscuits
- 100 g Butter
- 500 g Cheese
- 200 g Plain Yogurt
- 200 g liquid cream
- 350 g carrots
- 1 egg
- 100 g white sugar
- Juice of half a lemon
- Zest of 2 oranges
1. Start with the biscuit base. Crumble the dry biscuits or blend them in a blender. Then mix them with the melted butter and pour the mixture onto the bottom of a cake pan lined with baking paper. Level the surface well and put it in the refrigerator to rest.
2. Meanwhile, beat the egg with the sugar and add the liquid cream, the Cheese and Yogurt to the mixture. Mix carefully and also pour in the lemon juice.
3. Then add the orange zest and finally the finely grated carrot pulp. Mix the mixture carefully, dissolving any lumps.
4. Then take the base and pour the cream, level it again and bake the cheesecake in a preheated oven at 160° for about 30 minutes. Then let the cheesecake cool outside the oven.
5. Finally, put the cheesecake in the refrigerator and let it rest for about 3 hours. Serve your carrot cheesecake on a serving dish, taking it out of the refrigerator at least 5 minutes before.