Nothing is more appealing than a good asparagus soup for dinner. There are many wild asparagus soup recipes. We always try to taste new experiences around the asparagus. If you have a bunch of asparaguses that you have been keeping for a few days and you do not know what to do with it, you can turn it into an asparagus soup recipe or cream of asparagus.
That is why we have not only the basic recipe of fine asparagus soup for you but also many exciting recipes. In addition to the classic asparagus cream soup, there are much more different soup creations. Click for inspiration through our recipe section. In China, there are about 31 species, of which 15 are only present there. About 15 species are found in Europe.
The basis for most asparagus supplements is the asparagus broth, which is not spilled after cooking but is reused. Alternatively, you can also use the asparagus skin after washing it thoroughly. Simply boil and add butter and a splash of lemon. Then simmer for at least 30 minutes. It does not matter if you use white or green asparagus. Both are the basis for the asparagus broth.
In the asparagus season, we cannot get enough of the white gold and enjoy its recipe in all variations. Earlier the asparagus soup was made with the ones that the country men took deftly to home with bundles of wheat. Today by the type of life that we have, we have to use the green asparagus that we find in the supermarkets. They do not have the flavor or the texture of the field ones but they are also good to make a soup.
It is a very simple dish that allows us to improvise easily with what we have in the pantry. This is a classic recipe. You will have heard me speak of it many times because during spring we eat it a lot. The recipe belongs to my great-grandmother, and in those days it was made with wild asparagus that grew wild in her garden.

Asparagus Soup Ingredients
1 asparagus
2 cups broth
1 cup milk
1 onion
1 garlic clove
1 cup cream
3 tbsp butter
3 tbsp flour
2 cups water
Salt and pepper to taste
Asparagus Soup Method
Take a heavy bottom pan. Add butter and then sauté the onions till it turns slightly golden. Add the chopped asparagus and flour and sauté for 5 minutes.
Add the broth. Add cream and season with salt and pepper. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes till the asparagus becomes tender.
Allow it to cool down and then blend it into a smooth paste. Add the milk and heat it a bit so that it just begins to boil. Remove from the stove and serve hot with a toasted bun or bread.
Event: Dish name starts with O
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Miz Helen