The idea of making a Red Velvet Christmas cake, the famous American red velvet cake but in a Christmas style, had been in my head for a long time. I was so eager to make it that Christmas is approaching that today I got to work.
For the frosting I prepared a classic cream cheese and mascarpone. I then chose to make my Red Velvet unique by giving it the appearance of a naked cake, plastered and decorated in a Christmas style.
In the past I have prepared classic panettone, the quick ones, the low ones, classic and chocolate, mini glazed panettone and with chopped dried fruit. And then the characteristic tiramisu and pomegranate logs as well as the famous chocolate salami and the traditional yellow and Roman pan.
The red velvet was missing from the roll call but from today it will be there. It is a delicious and scenic cake that fascinates and conquers the heart at first sight and the palate at the first taste. The mascarpone frosting enriches it with decorations, whichever you choose will give it a unique and unrepeatable touch. I am sure that when you try it, it will conquer you too.
I have to admit that I haven't done many Red Velvets but the ones I have done have never completely convinced me. They were good but I was looking for a recipe that was out of this world, the one that makes you say: wow!!
I am very demanding and determined when I create a recipe, let alone for such a famous cake. I was looking for a deeply rich flavor, with a tender, moist texture, that would blend with the cream.
Well yes, I did it and now it's time to share it with you. Since we are only about three weeks away from Christmas, I firmly believe that Red Velvet is the perfect cake to end your Christmas Eve or Christmas Lunch in style.
Making this special cake requires, somehow, a long list of ingredients. But trust me, once you see the result you will be rewarded.
What is Red Velvet or Red Velvet Cake? Red Velvet is traditionally an American cake, layered in red with cream cheese frosting. The original version calls for buttermilk but it's not easy to find here so I opted for fresh cream.
You may wonder why I also used bitter cocoa powder: you won't believe it but the brown color intensifies the red color. This elegant cake is usually served at Christmas or Valentine's Day.
How to store the cake? You can store the unfrosted cake in the refrigerator for up to 1 day, provided you wrap it in cling film. The frosted cake, on the other hand, can be stored in the refrigerator for 3-5 days, always protecting it with cling film.
Can you make this cake ahead of time? Yes absolutely! You can make the cake layers ahead of time and let it cool before wrapping and refrigerating overnight. You can also make the frosting ahead of time, then cover and refrigerate. Let the frosting come to room temperature (about 10 minutes) before filling the cake.
The most famous red velvet is the one from Magnolia Bakery in New York. I was lucky enough to taste it and be enchanted by the window display like a child in front of a toy store! Before arriving at the definitive recipe, I tasted and experimented with many, even raising my cholesterol if I wanted, but it has always been an open challenge for me. I had to find the perfect recipe or rather the one that was closest to my personal tastes.
If you are undecided about which dessert to prepare to best conclude your holiday dinners and lunches, prepare our version of Christmas Red Velvet. That's right, our Christmas Red Velvet is a variation of the famous American cake that we thought up just for the Christmas period. If you're still undecided about the dessert for the holidays, this cake could be the ideal solution for you.
Beautiful and spectacular as always, our Christmas Red Velvet has that little something extra that immediately makes you feel festive. Maybe it's the rich decoration with berries that creates a pleasant contrast with the white icing, maybe it's the surprise that it generates when you cut it and discover its dark and intense red heart. One thing is certain, the Christmas Red Velvet will please everyone!
The Red Velvet Christmas with berries stands out from other classic versions for its decoration of berries that make it colorful and particularly inviting. It is not necessary to buy fresh berries because the frozen ones will still be perfect and more practical.

Cooking time: 35 mins
Total: 1 Hours 10 mins
Yield: 8
For the base
- 350 g flour
- 250 g sugar
- 150g softened sugar
- 5 eggs
- 15 g cocoa
- 1/2 vanilla pod
- 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
- 1 spoonful baking soda
- A pinch of salt
For the buttermilk
- 220 ml of milk
- 30 ml of lemon juice
- Half a spoonful of red food coloring
For decoration
- 300g berries
- 500 g mascarpone
- 250 ml of cream
- 4 tablespoons of powdered sugar

Christmas Red Velvet preparation
Are you still undecided about the dessert for the holidays? Our Christmas Red Velvet is definitely the perfect solution. A delicious, festive and sure-fire cake.
Thanks for sharing the great recipe.