Zinio is the newsstand and bookstore in the world. Thanks to its many services and digital products Zinio provides people new ways to benefit from the editorial content. Readers have the opportunity to read the content on any support, purchasing them but only once. With Zinio, you can buy, search, read, share and save digital content wherever you are in the world.
Thanks to Zinio Unity reading platform, readers can move easily within the pages of magazines and books. They will not just read the text, but also take advantage of the multimedia. There are interactive graphics, animated illustrations, videos and much more. The Zinio e-stores and applications are revolutionizing the world of reading. It gives the opportunity for readers to choose from hundreds of thousands of titles.
On Zinio, you can browse magazines exactly as they appear in the paper. There is the advantage of not having to buy the paper. In fact, the app has been optimized for reading online. It has tried to replicate the mouse with the typical gestures of "turn the page". There are read on colors, high-fidelity pages. You can switch to enhanced text to resize the text for easier reading.
You can add favorites articles, pages, and photographs that you love. Continue reading from where you left off, organize all Favorite together by date or title. Explore links from articles and pages and browse the Web from within the app.

Everything should be in favor of the environment and the wallet since the price is significantly lower than that of the cover. Another very interesting aspect is that Zinio lets you read journals, which for those who live in small towns is particularly complex.
The magazines are bought our forever and you can then go and read them from a distance of time. Nothing prevents you from printing portions of the magazine you want. You can store them at home in paper form. Although, of course, the site is designed for an optimal reading of the online magazine.
This is certainly an exceptional opportunity to be exploited. The magazines to choose are from Arts, Cars, home, entertainment, news, sports, science, and technology, to political, current affairs, lifestyle, food, travel, photographs, insights and much more. So there is something for everyone. The free Zinio app provides readers with a wide range of magazines
The application of Zinio is designed to bring to life a unique experience of digital reading in high definition. It allows readers to buy content by paying one time and having the opportunity to read them wherever they are, in any media on different devices including iPad, iPhone, PC or Mac. The Zinio app will allow access to over 2,500 magazines around the world.
Available for free in the App Store, the application uses full multi-touch gestures of the iPad to provide an optimal navigation between pages, to zoom in the photo, to access the web through the links, or to send an email to report an article. The application allows users to directly purchase a subscription of their favorite magazine and then share it on other platforms.