People have used fragrances to allure gods and lovers alike. Nearly 5,000 years ago, Egyptians were making perfumes. According to the hieroglyphics found in Egyptian tombs, Egyptians and Mesopotamians were the first perfumers and were making perfumes as early as 3,000 BCE. It was believed that burning incense would please the deities and connect humans to gods.
This is why they used fragrances such as Jasmine, Nile lotus, Madonna lilies and honey to create incense. It's not just this, Egyptian priests and other important figures were even entombed with scented oils to ensure that their olfactory needs were met. In 1897, when archaeologists opened their tombs they didn't just discover the perfumed oils but also found that the oils had retained the original sweet fragrances even after all these years.
The ancient Egyptians had eventually started using perfumes for personal use too. It was believed that a good scent would help connect the body to the soul and of course, a good smell was also associated with beauty and personal care. But it was the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra who took things to the next level. Epic levels, in fact. According to a legend, she would get the sails of her boat coated with fragrant oils.
So whenever she'd set sail, the sea breeze would carry the fragrance to her lover, Mark Antony, and he would know she is coming. Fragrances have been used to seduce lovers. However, soaking the sails of a boat in fragrant oils? No one has done that. Perhaps why Antony and Cleopatra remain history's most well-known lovers.
From Egypt to the rest of the world, these fragrances exchanged hands through trade routes but the real fragrance revolution happened in the Renaissance period. By then distillation techniques had improved and several advances had been made in the field of chemistry. The discovery of the 'new world' introduced Europeans to scents they didn't know existed.
Vanilla, cocoa, cinnamon, and ginger were some of the scents that traveled from Asia to Europe and it was the Italians who made perfumes popular. The perfumers began using these precious fragrances along with the ones available in the Mediterranean region, turning Italy into the destination for luxury perfumes.
The art of perfume making was spreading fast across Europe. By the 1700s, France had begun producing perfumed leather accessories using popular essences such as tuberose and jasmine. This was the time a new "smell perception" was taking shape. People had begun preferring more delicate and natural, floral scents.
This focus on elegance led to the production of beautiful glass bottles to store perfumes and by the 1800s perfume stores such as Bertelli in Milan, Paglieri in Alessandria and Puglisi and Manara in Palermo had come up.
Perfumery today is a global industry. each country produces its own brands of fragrances. nearly every individual has a favorite fragrance, something that works well with their personality. Having a signature scent is part of selfhood, part of your being. That is how well integrated the world of perfumes is with people's lives.
From being reserved just for the divine, to just for the royalty and the aristocrats, to becoming a part of the everyday life of each individual, perfumes have traveled far and wide and have gone through revolutions of their own to become a more democratized industry from the classes to the masses.
Most offices do not smell good, but you know that to improve the quality of the work environment is also very important. Aromatherapy and environmental care and the location of the workplace can be critical to increase productivity and reduce work stress. The smells and scents have the power to stimulate in us our moods.
In Japan, this practice is more widespread, easily found on offices with special scents used depending on the time of day with different fragrances to accompany the employee in that specific activity. The fragrances reduces typing errors when in the office the scent of lemon is spread, or with the smell of jasmine or with lavender.
Odours affect both the good humour and the concentration and productivity. The other aspect of environmental purification is the purification of viruses, bacteria and fungi to limit the risk of allergies or diseases.
The corporate world is researching on special fragrances to allow identification of the brand and deodorize the work points in order to improve the sensory experience and encourage the workforce.
Subtle scents set the mood for your well-being in an office. Try soothing scents, such as lavender, bergamot, sandalwood or, or experiment with refreshing and invigorating scents, such as lemongrass and basil.
But what are these substances that allow us to work better?
Rosemary : helps to think, improves memory and is energizing the mind;
Jasmine : relaxes and relieves tension and nerves;
Vanilla : stimulates concentration and learning;
Lemon : like all citrus fruits helps combat mental fatigue stress and depression;
Bamboo : gives a sense of peace, security and harmony;
Lavender : relaxes, relieves stress and reduces anxiety;
Mint : energizing, refreshing and stimulates the mind;
Chamomile : soothing and fights depression.
Although the use of heavy perfume does not cause serious health effects in the workplace, it may adversely affect the working environment and perhaps even jeopardize the work of the offender. Too much perfume can distract people from their work.
You just have to choose the fragrance that best suits your needs, but you should also be attentive to safety and opinions of the workforce before introducing these scents in your office. The boss definitely will not be happy if you bring candles or burners with flame. For your safety and that of your colleagues is better to use fragrance holders powered via USB or battery.
Creating a spa like atmosphere in your office requires a specific combination of colours, lights, perfumes and organization. The right balance can change your perception of your workplace. Transform your office full of stress, full of visual noise, for a calming, relaxing habitat that is conducive to complete your work.
An act as simple and human as perfuming the place where you spend most of your time will become an integral element of your office life. Besides, if the packaging of your perfume for environment has a sophisticated look, it easily becomes a piece of furniture.